The Original Experience

Completely Free

Yeogsa aims to retrace the Original Experience being the only server that manages to stay true to the mechanics of the old times. And the whole Item Shop is completely accessible through only playing without having to spend a single dime.


Classic Content

No knick-knacks, the hardcore experience as you remember it, only original content.

Fair to everyone

The whole Item Shop is completely accessible by playing.


Find your style with plenty of different skins, a big selection strictly from the Original content.

Rivals of Shiao

Availble to play both on PC and on mobile!
Earn Emeralds and use them to gain access to new shiny items!

And many others!

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Latest News


Announcement: The Shadows Beckon

Adventurers of the @Yeogsa-Community, hear our plea!

From the darkest corners of our realm come whispers of a forgotten place, where shadows perform their eerie dance and secrets lie dormant. This twisting, treacherous dungeon awaits only the most valiant. Deep within, ancient evils stir, luring the brave with promises of unimaginable wealth. Dark, winding corridors reveal hidden traps and monstrous guardians at every turn. Are you prepared to uncover the secrets of this forsaken place? Only the boldest will triumph, for the darkness conceals more than mere monsters. Gather your strength, muster your courage, and brace yourself for an adventure like no other. The path is perilous, but the rewards are beyond imagination.

Will you rise to the challenge?

||Only torches try to desperately illuminate the dark corridors... On the ground you find an old paper with the following message:

Darkness descends, shadows grow long, eternal whispers, an ancient song, veils of night, the hour's toll, invoking spirits, consuming the soul. Legions gather, beneath moon's pale gleam, chanting verses, from realms unseen, ancient sigils, carved in stone, trembling earth, a chilling moan, ascend now, spirits of the deep, come forth from your endless sleep, open the gates, let darkness loom, midnight calls, within the tomb, boundless dread, as shadows comb.||


Announcement: First Player of Yeogsa hitting the Level Cap of Level 99

Good Day @Yeogsa-Community!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce a monumental achievement in our community! Today, @​death.95 has become the FIRST PLAYER to reach the maximum level here on Yeogsa!

This is an incredible accomplishment that showcases @​death.95's dedication, skill, and perseverance. It's not easy to reach the top, and he's done it with style and determination. Let's all give a massive round of applause and celebrate this epic milestone!

To share some fun statistics, he first joined Yeogsa on <t:1625405580:F>! During this 3 Years, he spent 5269 std. 24 min. online on this Account, which is equal to around 220 Days! In a little Chit Chat he told me, it was about 10 days leveling and 210 days farming, of course no minutes were spent afk 😂

Let's all congratulate @​death.95 and continue to support each other in our quests and adventures. Who will be next to join the ranks of the elite? Keep pushing, stay determined, and maybe you will be the next legend we celebrate!

Keep gaming and have fun, everyone!

Best, @역사 - Staff


We are back online! @Yeogsa-Community


Announcement: Reboot to fix the Dragon-Run!

Good evening @Yeogsa-Community!

We were able to locate the bug and test it on our test net already! Beran is working like a charm again, and will grant you it's desired loot!

The reboot will take place <t:1720386000:t>!

We will notify you, one the reboot is concluded and the Server is up again.

Happy Gaming!


Announcement: Disabling of the Dragon-Run!

Good morning @Yeogsa-Community !

Some reported, that the Dragon won't reward you with his treasure upon defeating him. Therefore we disabled the run temporarily until we fixed the bug causing it.

We will notify you, once we enable the run again.

Your @역사 - Staff !