The dungeon is presented as one of the most profitable in the game, it will allow all those who have crossed the threshold of level 80 to obtain excellent loot.
It is mainly used to grab large quantities of Yang in a short time, accompanied by rewards of highly useful items.
To join the Ship defense everyone in your group needs to have a Silver Ticket. The group leader starts the dungeon by talking to the Warrior Statue!
A quick way to reach the Warrior Statue is a double right-click on the Silver Ticket, which may be dropped by the bewitched Monsters in the Red Forest!
Ship Defense is a dungeon accessible in a group of up to 8 players consisting of a single area in which participants will have to defend the Mast of their ship from waves of increasingly stronger attacks from sea monsters and the boss Hydra with three heads.
The presence of a Dragon Shaman in the group will be important due to the Dragon Aid and Blessing buffs.
The monsters will only attack the Mast to sink the ship and consequently, it will be necessary to maximize the offensive bonuses and even resort to the polymorph skill, an ability to bring to P as soon as possible, and the reason why the rare 50 attack value will be optimal against those monsters.
The shaman of the group, on the other hand, will have to maximize the Intelligence status.
As for the normal bonuses, the vulnerability of the monsters present is Strong against the Devil, the piercing bonuses, damage absorbed by HP, the possibility of poisoning, and the status Strength for Warriors and INT+Strength for Suras will be important.
Under the mini-map, you will see the HP bar of the Master Tree which will be attacked by the mobs and which must never drop to zero to prevent the ship from sinking.
Keep in mind that after each wave, some Repair Wood will be spawned, which will allow you to restore some HP off the Mast and which may give all participants a fair amount of Yang.
Info: During the dungeon, the use of mounts and the use of the Cloaks of Courage will be prohibited
The challenge will begin after one of you interacts with the Rudder!
The goal of the first wave is to resist the attack of the sea monsters for 5 minutes by defending the Mast. It is recommended to kill Hydra Spawns first before all other monsters, due to the damage they inflict. This recommendation also applies to the following waves. |
A boss called "Queen Murray" will appear and must be killed to progress to the next wave, while monsters will spawn and attack the Mast. |
In this wave you have to kill the 'First head of the Hydra' which will appear under the Helm while continuing to defend the Mast.
Recommendation: Do not launch skill attacks against the Hydra Head but only basic attacks as it will start to critically strike more frequently.
Similarly to the 1st wave, the Mast will have to be defended for 3 minutes ! Careful, the mobs will be stronger!
In this wave you have to kill the second Hydra Head again. The recommendation made for the third wave will still be valid.
The Mast will have to be defended for 4 minutes without being able to resort to any skill, including buff and self-buff skills.
However, there is a small exception to this rule: if you are not transformed, Aura of the Sword and Encahntedblade remain active as long as they are activated before the start of the wave.
At the end you will have to kill the last Hydra Head which however cannot take damage until all the 'Hydra Eggs' on the ship are destroyed: they will appear both at the beginning of the wave and in the middle.
Upon completion of the dungeon, it will be possible to open the Hydra Treasure from which each member will receive randomly assigned rewards.
Before pouncing on the chest, however, it is advisable to use all the leftover Repair Wood, this still provides abundant quantities of Yang to all participants and contributes to the accumulation of a nice loot.
To increase the probability of receiving better prizes, you will have to use the Silver Helm.
It will be craftable at the Warrior Statue.
It is also advisable to participate in the Helms Event when it is available, during which these will be found from metin stones and from bosses.